Portfolioon on koottu piirroksia, sarjakuvia, maalauksia, musiikkia ja animaatioita.

Kolme aukeamaa lapsille suunnatusta Nuppuset 6 kuvakirjasta, jonka on julkaissut Petomies kustantamo vuonna 2016.
Kuvitukset ovat yhdistelmä viivaa ja hienovaraista spray-maali väritystä. Kooltaan kirja on 10,5cm kertaa 21cm.
Kuvitukset ovat yhdistelmä viivaa ja hienovaraista spray-maali väritystä. Kooltaan kirja on 10,5cm kertaa 21cm.
Sivu julkaisemattomasta Kummituskoira sarjakuvasta, joka on piirretty lyijykynällä paperille.
Ensimmäinen taika sarjakuva julkaistiin Kuti 33 ilmaisjakelulehdessä vuonna 2014. Originaali on piirretty vanhanaikaisella musteterällä paperille. Sarjakuva käsittelee paikoilleen asettumisen ja kodin teemaa. Kuti 33 lehden mainoksissa ilmoitettiin sarjakuvaan liityen belgialaiseen Dender jokeen hylätyn asuntolaivan sijainti ja kehoitus asuttaa laiva.
M-kirjainta esittelevä sarjakuva Aakkostoukka lasten sarjakuva-aapiseen, joka on toteutettu musteterällä, vesivärillä ja puuvärikynillä.
Kirjan julkaisi Kutikuti ry. vuonna 2014.
Kirjan julkaisi Kutikuti ry. vuonna 2014.
Silkkipainettu sarjakuva Kutikuti ry:n Tempora Mutantur näyttelyyn ja juhlajulkaisuun vuonna 2015.
Mount Analoque öljyväri kankaalle, 145cm x 115cm, 2020
Tuus autuus öljyväri kankaalle, 60cm x 90cm, 2020
Sirkkalehti öljyväri kankaalle, 70cm x 60cm, 2020
Näen sinut öljyväri kankaalle, 70cm x 60cm, 2020
Madonna öljyväri kankaalle, 91cm x 100cm, 2019

Olimpia Splendid was formed in Helsinki in 2010 by Heta Bilaletdin, Jonna Karanka and Katri Sipiläinen. Their music is made with weirdly tuned guitars, muddy drum machine loops, whispering vocals and trash can delays.
Fonal Records & KRAAK (2023)
This is Olimpia Splendid and this sound is solstice air, sharp wire on moss-dampened drumbeat, wood fire throwing shadows on all the warehouse walls. It is a whisper from the back of the throat, a chorus in the fog, a growl feeding back in triplicate.
To hear it better, ride your bike or take the bus to the second-to-last stop on the line; exit and follow the path away from the paved road and into the Finnish forest of silver birch and rowan for 500 meters until you come to the large granite outcropping – the one with a faded spray paint tag, speckled with fluorescent lichen in the shape of an old cat’s sly grin. The cave entrance is behind the slab – although you’ll surely feel it before you see it – and once you let yourself dematerialize into that long swirl of blue mist, you’ll see three figures slowly taking shape before you, like witches circling around a cauldron.
If mythology is real, then Olimpia Splendid is the band that the Graeae – the three blind seers of Perseus’ time – formed when they were younger, before they lost their sight and just after they bought their first drum machine. For Olimpia Splendid, music is the magical eye that the Graeae would pass between themselves – it is sound shared as vision, as bone-deep feeling, as electrical charge, as Total Being. Three as one, one as three, music as everything – including you.
Ben Russell, artist and filmmaker, January 2023
Listen here: Olimpia Splendid: 2
Fonal Records & KRAAK (2023)
This is Olimpia Splendid and this sound is solstice air, sharp wire on moss-dampened drumbeat, wood fire throwing shadows on all the warehouse walls. It is a whisper from the back of the throat, a chorus in the fog, a growl feeding back in triplicate.
To hear it better, ride your bike or take the bus to the second-to-last stop on the line; exit and follow the path away from the paved road and into the Finnish forest of silver birch and rowan for 500 meters until you come to the large granite outcropping – the one with a faded spray paint tag, speckled with fluorescent lichen in the shape of an old cat’s sly grin. The cave entrance is behind the slab – although you’ll surely feel it before you see it – and once you let yourself dematerialize into that long swirl of blue mist, you’ll see three figures slowly taking shape before you, like witches circling around a cauldron.
If mythology is real, then Olimpia Splendid is the band that the Graeae – the three blind seers of Perseus’ time – formed when they were younger, before they lost their sight and just after they bought their first drum machine. For Olimpia Splendid, music is the magical eye that the Graeae would pass between themselves – it is sound shared as vision, as bone-deep feeling, as electrical charge, as Total Being. Three as one, one as three, music as everything – including you.
Ben Russell, artist and filmmaker, January 2023
Listen here: Olimpia Splendid: 2
The music video by Ben Russell is adapted from his 2021 feature film The Invisible Mountain. The film is a hallucinatory portrait of a roadie for Olimpia Splendid traveling from Finland to Greece in search of the utopian summit described in René Daumal's Mount Analogue.
Agda by Olimpia Splendid
Directed and edited by Ben Russell
Steadicam by Chris Fawcett
Focus by Helene Degrandcourt
Sound by Jakov Munizaba
Mix by Rob Walker
Filmed at Kirtimu Kulturös Centras in Vilnius, Lithuania
Adapted from the film "The Invisible Mountain" (2021)
Produced by VSBL MTN in association with Faliro House
Agda by Olimpia Splendid
Directed and edited by Ben Russell
Steadicam by Chris Fawcett
Focus by Helene Degrandcourt
Sound by Jakov Munizaba
Mix by Rob Walker
Filmed at Kirtimu Kulturös Centras in Vilnius, Lithuania
Adapted from the film "The Invisible Mountain" (2021)
Produced by VSBL MTN in association with Faliro House
Abstrakti animaatio Penumbra on musiikkivideo artistille Tsembla eli säveltäjä Marja Ahdin musiikkiin.
Penumbra on esitetty Oulun musiikkivideofestivaaleilla vuonna 2018. Se on toteutettu animoimalla spray-maaleilla maalattuja huntuja.
Penumbra on esitetty Oulun musiikkivideofestivaaleilla vuonna 2018. Se on toteutettu animoimalla spray-maaleilla maalattuja huntuja.

Easy Tricks Skater Dog on yhdeksän sekunnin mittainen animaatioluuppi. Animaatio on esitetty osana TAFF festivaalien luuppianimaatiokilpailua vuonna 2017.